You can find the Super Bowl on TV here and there are a few gatherings of Americans and Irish football fans - there are some - around Dublin to watch the game. I won't be there.
I'll be watching from the comfort of my own home. For a while. Kickoff is at 11:25pm, which means the game won't be over til sometime after 2:30. I can tell you for a fact I won't see the finish. I might make it to half-time, but there's no chance I'll stay awake through that even if The Who's blasting "Won't Get Fooled Again" (which I love).
It's not just the late start, however. Back in 2006 when the Mets had that (almost) magical season, I never missed an inning of their playoff games. I stayed up for every single game - and most of them started at 1:20am. By the time the Mets were eliminated I had trouble sleeping at nighttime.
It's not just the Mets either. I've often stayed up for a Playoff or World Series game that didn't involve the Mets. I skipped sleep for many Yankee-Red Sox games over the years. I love playoff time.
That's just it. I love baseball, but I don't love football. I never did. Okay, maybe I did when I was in high school, but I never liked it more than baseball and over the years I've lived here my interest in football has waned.
I don't pay the extra $30 per month to get Sky Sports - part of Rupert Murdoch's empire - which shows two or three NFL games a week. I can watch only one NFL game a year, the Super Bowl.
So who am I rooting for today? I know the sentimental favorite is New Orleans, but back when I cared about football I always rooted for the team from the coldest city. {I never liked the warm, neutral venue thing.} That's Indianapolis this year and I like the idea that Peyton Manning uses the Irish language to call his audibles.
So I guess I'll be rooting for the Colts. Unless I change my mind before I drift off.
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